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Ongoing Development of Safety Management System in Support of the Provision of Safe Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Services as well as Critical Building Services Facilities

During the year, the division continued its momentum in safety promulgation through organising safety training sessions and promotional activities. Dedicated briefings on the latest Safety Management System (SMS) developments were given to the maintenance service providers. To secure continuous safety assurance of ATC systems through regular internal audits and inspections, unceasing efforts were made to expand the pool of approved internal auditors. The division also provided full support to the ATMSO's regulatory audits and inspections on the systems' service life, technical system occurrence (TSO) reporting and investigation processes, SMS interface management, on-airport equipment system, and outstation operations. In pursuit of proactive safety monitoring, the division conducted periodic reviews and collected the latest operational data to formulate a new set of Safety Performance Indicators and Targets (SPIs/SPTs) for the new ATC systems.

In December 2017, a safety briefing session was held to share valuable experience gained from TSO and regulatory inspections.