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Training and Development Office (TDO)

The TDO supports the Training and Development Committee (TDC) of the Department in formulating the departmental training policy and making recommendations on the endorsement of the departmental training programme. By maintaining close liaisons with divisional training coordinators, the TDO continued to provide support for taking forward department-wide training/learning initiatives and promoting continuous learning culture within the department through organising Knowledge Management activities.

Knowledge Management Activities

The TDO regularly coordinates Knowledge Management activities such as talks on latest aviation developments or trends, visits to industry partners and stakeholders in order to foster a strong continuous learning culture within the department. Amongst these activities, the “Learning Wednesday” remains very popular amongst staff. Internal and external experts had been invited to deliver talks to share knowledge related to aviation. The talk, featuring as its last session an interactive discussion between speakers and audience, provided an effective forum for colleagues to share knowledge and experiences.

Aviation Education Path

The Aviation Education Path (AEP) continued to fulfil its role as an effective educational tool. Guided tours of AEP enhanced the public understanding of CAD's functions and responsibilities, historical developments of civil aviation in Hong Kong and the importance of aviation safety. In the year, the Aviation Education Path received around 14 000 visitors, with a majority from local school.

Aviation Education Path.

Hong Kong International Aviation Academy

Established and managed by the Airport Authority Hong Kong, the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy (HKIAA) started to launch training courses in April 2017. CAD continued to provide support to the HKIAA by advising on relevant course contents, training materials and instructor qualifications and accommodating relevant courses to be held at CAD Headquarters' training facilities.