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Activities of ICAO

To maintain the status of Hong Kong as a centre of international and regional civil aviation in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law, and to facilitate the discharge of Hong Kong's responsibilities under the regional air navigation procedures of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), CAD continued to participate actively in ICAO's activities. During the year, representatives of the department attended eight ICAO meetings which were limited to states as part of the delegation of the People's Republic of China, and 30 ICAO meetings which were not so limited, using the name “Hong Kong, China”. Details of these 38 meetings are provided in the Appendix. The department also exchanged 388 letters with ICAO, the majority of which involved comments and information on technical matters related to civil aviation.

ICAO Traveller Identification Programme Regional Seminar, jointly organised by CAD and ICAO, was held between 11 and 13 July 2018 at CAD Headquarters.