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Aircraft Accident and Serious Incident Investigations

CAD is also the aircraft accident investigation authority for aircraft accidents and serious incidents occurred in Hong Kong. These investigations are carried out by trained Inspectors of Accidents in line with the standards and recommended practices stipulated by the ICAO in Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Annex 13) with the purpose of determining the circumstances and causes of the occurrences to prevent recurrence in future.

To comply with an Annex 13 requirement that became applicable in November 2016, i.e. the accident investigation authority should be independent from the state aviation authorities and other entities that could interfere with the conduct or objectivity of an investigation, the Government made arrangements to establish an independent air accident investigation authority under the Transport and Housing Bureau, which will be separated from CAD. To this end, CAD worked closely with the Bureau in amending the Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations (Cap. 448B). The new Chief Inspector of Accidents will take over the accident investigation facilities in CAD. CAD will provide the new Chief Inspector of Accidents with necessary assistance to ensure a smooth transition of duties and responsibilities.

During the year, CAD continued its investigation of the following accidents:

The preliminary reports and accident bulletins are published on CAD's website (