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Aircraft Noise Management

CAD is conscious of the impact of aircraft noise on the community and has implemented a series of noise mitigating measures based on the guidelines of ICAO. The division monitored the implementation of various noise mitigating measures and the aircraft noise situations in various districts through the computerised Aircraft Noise and Flight Track Monitoring System. The system comprises 16 outdoor noise monitoring terminals which are installed at strategic locations of the Hong Kong territories to monitor and record noise data for aircraft operating into and out of HKIA, and a computer system which correlates the noise data collected through these noise monitoring terminals with the actual aircraft flight tracks detected by CAD's radar system.

In order to reduce the impact on the local communities as a result of aircraft operations, CAD implemented a series of aircraft noise mitigating measures. Apart from the aircraft noise abatement operational procedures, CAD has prohibited aircraft not meeting the relevant aircraft noise standards from landing and taking off in Hong Kong. Since 2002, aircraft not complying with the noise standards stipulated in Volume I, Part II, Chapter 3 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chapter 3 noise standards) are not allowed to operate in Hong Kong. To strengthen this aircraft noise mitigating measure, starting from 2014, CAD has imposed further restrictions on aircraft which are marginally compliant with the Chapter 3 noise standards to land and take off in Hong Kong. CAD will review this arrangement from time to time and closely monitor the latest developments of the ICAO, the international aviation industry and the operation of HKIA in considering the need to step up the relevant requirement.

During the year, the division handled 464 aircraft noise complaints. Detailed investigations were carried out into every single case and the results would be explained to the complainants in order that their understanding could be sought. With a view to enhancing the understanding of the noise mitigating measures and noise monitoring work, representatives of the division attended various meetings with the District Councils and local residents.