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Safety Regulation

Heliport Operations and Development

APSD continued to monitor the safety of heliport operations and to provide regulatory advice on the planning and design of the domestic heliports as well as on the development of cross-boundary heliports.

During the year, the Government Flying Service planned to establish a Kai Tak Division (GFS KTD) at the ex-Kai Tak Runway Tip under a co-location arrangement with the planned cross-boundary heliport. During the feasibility study and detailed design stages of the GFS KTD, the division provided technical advice on the overall design with the aim of preserving the commercial viability of the heliport site. Operational space, including a shared-use take-off and landing pad, a dedicated helicopter stand and office and passenger handling areas, has been reserved for the future development of a cross-boundary heliport.

Control of Obstructions

Airport Height Restrictions (AHR) are established to protect aircraft flight paths and radio navigational aids. APSD assessed and provided regulatory advice on various building and development projects and feasibility studies to ensure their compliance with AHR and other applicable aviation safety requirements. The major projects and studies outside HKIA assessed during the year included the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) and the Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR), the Topside Development of the HKBCF, the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL), the Tung Chung New Town Extension and Lantau Development. The major projects within HKIA assessed included HKIA's Midfield Remaining Area Development, North Commercial District Development, Reclamation and Construction Works for the Expansion of HKIA into a 3RS. In addition, regarding the project to expand HKIA into a 3RS planned by AA, the division provided regulatory advice on AHR requirements and the associated Marine Exclusion Zones (MEZs) for an expanded airport system in order to ensure aviation safety of the new flight paths.

As the reclamation works and construction works at the waters around HKIA for the HKBCF, the HKLR and TM-CLKL, and the reclamation works to expand HKIA into a 3RS proceeded in 2017, a large number of working vessels were deployed by contractors to work in close proximity to HKIA under the flight paths of the two-runway airport. To ensure aircraft safety and avoid any disruption to airport operations due to construction works of these strategic projects, APSD took a proactive approach to direct the project consultants and contractors to commission a vessel/machinery height monitoring system. It was designed to operate round-the-clock for monitoring the highest altitude of vessels/machinery working at the reclamation and work sites near HKIA and enhancing the contractor's compliance with the AHR requirements. This arrangement was particularly important for the division's consideration of applications for AHR exemption involving high air draft vessels. APSD closely monitored the performance of contractors in complying with the AHR requirements for submission and implementation of corresponding improvement measures as and when necessary. The division also participated in various meetings with project consultants and contractors, and offered regulatory advice from time to time to ensure the construction methods including the choice of construction plants would fully comply with the AHR requirements.

This year, the division issued 244 temporary AHR exemptions for the construction works in the territory and vessel operations in the vicinity of the Airport Island, of which 88 were issued in relation to the works of HKBCF, HKLR and TM-CLKL projects, and 123 associated with the reclamation works for the expansion of HKIA into a 3RS.

With the assistance of the Marine Department, APSD continued to ensure integrity of the MEZs established in the vicinity of the Airport Island to safeguard the operation of aircraft and radio navigational aids. During the year, 16 prosecutions against illegal entry into the MEZs were instituted by the Marine Department.

APSD officers inspect sites with works in progress to ensure that the methodology in constructing new facilities complies with the safety requirements.

HKIA Expansion into 3RS Operations

APSD officers inspect the new Taxiway Light to ensure full compliance with the aerodrome licensing requirements prior to commissioning.

While AA is pursuing detailed design and commissioning of HKIA airport expansion into 3RS operations, APSD has undertaken the monitoring of the airport expansion to ensure that the 3RS related works projects are in full compliance with the relevant ICAO requirements on aerodrome. The division also worked closely with AA and other government departments to formulate the expanded AHR requirements and associated regulation of marine traffic for the purpose of safeguarding the future 3RS operations.

Prohibition of Lights Endangering Aircraft Operation

To ensure that aviation safety would not be compromised, APSD continued to monitor and give regulatory advice on the use of lasers, search lights and firework displays at different shows such as “A Symphony of Lights”, New Year Countdown Celebrations as well as other lighting displays at building facades, especially illuminated advertisement signs.

General Aviation Activities

APSD continued to monitor the safety of recreational aviation activities, including paragliding, kite flying and model aircraft flying to ensure that these activities were conducted in compliance with applicable aviation safety regulations and would not affect civil aircraft operations.