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Aircraft Register

During the year, 26 aircraft were put on the Hong Kong Civil Aircraft Register. In the same period, one Boeing B737, two Boeing B747, six Airbus A320, two Airbus A330, two Airbus A340, two Gulfstream G550, two Eurocopter SA315B, and one Robinson R44 were removed from the Register. As of 31 March 2018, the total number of civil aircraft in the Hong Kong Civil Aircraft Register was 334, of which 295 were registered under Hong Kong AOC holders and the GFS as follows:

Aircraft Type Number
Airbus A300 11
Airbus A320 39
Airbus A321 18
Airbus A330 84
Airbus A350 26
BAE 4100 2
Boeing B747 22
Boeing B777 70
Bombardier BD700 3
Bombardier CL-600-2B16 2
Gulfstream G450 3
Gulfstream GV 1
Moravan Z 242 L 1
DA 42 NG 1
Helicopters 12