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Flight Standards Office

Issue of AOC

As of 31 March 2018, there were eleven Hong Kong AOC holders, namely:

AHK Air Hong Kong Limited (AHK)
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (CPA)
Heliservices (Hong Kong) Limited (HLS)
Hong Kong Air Cargo Carrier Limited (HKC)
Hong Kong Airlines Corporate Jet Management Limited (HKJ)
Hong Kong Airlines Limited (CRK)
Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited (HDA)
Hong Kong Express Airways Limited (HKE)
Metrojet Limited (MTJ)
Sky Shuttle Helicopters Limited (EMU)
TAG Aviation Asia Limited (TBJ)

The safety performance and operating standards of Hong Kong AOC holders are monitored through a comprehensive programme of inspections and audits. During the year, in addition to 161 flight operations and cabin safety inspections, the Inspectorate staff of the Flight Standards Office conducted 420 other inspections on the AOC holders, including station inspections, ramp inspections, operational record inspections, training inspections and approval of authorised examiners. Forty flight simulators located worldwide and in Hong Kong and used by local airlines were evaluated, inspected and reapproved for use. The division was also tasked with the responsibility of monitoring helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft operations of the Government Flying Service (GFS).

A Flight Operations Inspector of Flight Standards Office conducts overseas inspection on acceptance of new aircraft type.

Safety Oversight

FSAD continued to implement the surveillance programme for the safety oversight of Hong Kong AOC holders. The key purpose of the programme is to apply a risk management approach to the schedule and coordination of inspection activities.

A total of 805 Mandatory Occurrence Reports (MOR) were received from the industry during the year. Through close liaison with airline operators, maintenance organisations, aerodrome operator and air traffic service provider, all the MORs were investigated with the aim of enhancing aviation safety and preventing recurrence.

A Flight Operations Inspector of Flight Standards Office conducts an inspection on flight operation.

A Flight Operations Inspector of Flight Standards Office conducts document inspection on Government Flying Service's operation.