CAD Environmental Report 2002

Paper Conservation

We encourage the use of e-mail for office communication

It is our continuous target to reduce paper consumption by encouraging staff to use e-mail for communications both within and outside the Department. Thus, in 2002, we have enhanced our email systems to make it easier for our staff to use emails. In addition, we have installed a Document Management System to disseminate information such as posting circulars, departmental circulars and telephone lists electronically. As a result, paper circulation within CAD has been reduced.

Targets for 2002 and 2003

In the year of 2002, with continuous efforts of our staff, we were able to achieve our target by maintaining our paper consumption at the low level of 5,924 reams as in 2001.

It must be pointed out that such consumption level represents a significant drop of 26% over four years from 8,000 reams in 1998 to the 2002 level (Figure 13).

In 2003, we will continue our efforts in promoting electronic communication among staff. In addition, we shall follow the guidelines of the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau on reducing paper consumption by 2.5% from the 2002 figures.

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