CAD Environmental Report 2002


We implement waste paper and laser printer cartridge recycling schemes to save the Earth's natural resources.

Waste Paper

Our staff would separately dispose of recyclable waste paper in conveniently located recycling bins. CAD's cleaning contractors then transport those paper to designated locations for recycling (Table 1).

Laser Printer Cartridges

We return used laser printer cartridges to our suppliers for recycling. (Table 2)

Targets for 2002 and 2003

We have increased our recycling of paper by 9% in the year of 2002 comparing with the quantity being recycled in the preceding year. The recycling of laser printer cartridges in the year of 2002 showed continuing increase of 276% comparing to the number recycled when we first implemented this scheme in 1998. Our target for 2003 is to continue our recycling efforts.

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