Conserving Fuel
Poor driving habit not only increases fuel consumption, it can also cause more pollutants to be emitted. We thus provide information on eco-driving to our drivers to remind them to drive and maintain vehicles properly so as to reduce fuel consumption and pollution.
Purchasing Energy Efficient Equipment
Air Traffic Control Equipment
To support Government's drive for energy saving, we would purchase air traffic control equipment of high standard of energy efficiency to save electricity. Examples are our replacement of 30 cathode-ray-tube monitors with state-of-the-art LCD monitors for our Aeronautical Information Display System and Flight Data Processing System for air traffic control operations in 2002, and our replacement of the existing Mount Parker Primary Surveillance Radar of 3 MW peak transmit power with a new fully solid-state radar of only 24 kW peak transmit power but with the same radar coverage by the end of 2003.
Other Equipment

We are obliged to observe central guidelines from the Government on green purchasing and taking environmental considerations into account when procuring goods and services. Environmental terms such as high standard of recyclability and energy efficiency have been included in our tender specifications whenever applicable.