- 航空營運許可證
- 航機註冊
- 繫留氣球放飛許可證
- Application for the Issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness/Permit to fly/Type Certificate (只有英文版)(PDF: 1231KB)
- Application for the Renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness/Permit to fly/Type Certificate (只有英文版)(PDF: 72KB)
Design Organisation Approval (只有英文版)
- Application for Design Organisation Approval (DOA) in Accordance with the HKAR-21(只有英文版)(PDF: 87KB)
- 《1995年飛航(香港)令》豁免以操作重量7千克或以上(不計燃料)無人駕駛飛機系統
- 《飛航(飛行禁制)令》飛行禁制豁免
HKAR-145 Approved Maintenance Organisations (只有英文版)
- Application for HKAR-145 Approval (只有英文版)(PDF: 903KB)
HKAR-147 Approved Maintenance Training / Examinations (只有英文版)
- Application for HKAR-147 Initial / Renewal / Variation of Approval (只有英文版)(PDF: 75KB)
- HKAR-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence (只有英文版)
- HKAR-66 Licensing of Maintenance Personnel (Certifying Staff – Maintenance) (只有英文版)
- Application for Renewal of HKAR-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence (只有英文版)(PDF: 79KB)
- Application for Grant / Extension of Licence(PDF: 125KB)
- Record of Experience (只有英文版)(PDF: 21KB) (只有英文版)
- Application for Renewal and Transfer of HKAR-AMEL to HKAR-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence (只有英文版)(PDF: 114KB)
- Application for Written Examination (只有英文版)(PDF: 251KB)
Hong Kong Parts Manufacturer Approval (只有英文版)
- Application for Hong Kong Parts Manufacturer Approval (HPMA) (只有英文版)(PDF: 70KB)
- 空運危險品許可證
- 申請空運軍火
Production Organisation Approval (只有英文版)
- Application for Production Organisation Approval (POA) in Accordance with the HKAR-21 (只有英文版)(PDF: 79KB)
專業飛行機組人員執照:商用飛行員執照 / 航線運輸飛行員執照
- Pilot Licences (只有英文版)
- Application for a Professional Pilot's Licence on Conversion from a Foreign Professional Pilot's Licence (只有英文版)(PDF: 324KB)
- Application for Validation of Flight Crew Licence (只有英文版)(PDF: 255KB)
- Application for Grant or Renewal of a Flight Crew Licence and/or a Flight Radiotelephony Operator's Restricted Licence (只有英文版)(PDF: 324KB)
- 申請註冊為管制代理人(PDF: 2.7MB)
- 《香港機場(障礙管制)條例》臨時豁免