CAD Environmental Report 2002


Welcome to CAD's Environmental Report 2002.

Against the backdrop of a growing air traffic, a society celebrates the wealth and job opportunities created. Invisible yet inevitable, is the aircraft noise. If the noise issue is not addressed, the growth of aviation could be met with opposition from the affected citizens.

On the issue of civil aviation and environment, CAD and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO's) share similar concerns. While the ICAO aims to "achieve maximum compatibility between the safe and orderly development of civil aviation and the quality of environment", we strive to maintain an active role in balancing the needs of all stakeholders on aircraft noise issues. It is our goal to improve the quality of environment for our citizens and guide the business of aviation towards a sustainable development.

In running our day-to-day business, we also recognize that we need green measures to ensure we conduct our business in an environmentally responsible manner. For that, we have established a committee to monitor our operations.

Each year, we produce an Environmental Report to review our environmental performance. In this Environmental Report 2002, our performance in the year of 2002 is reviewed and our targets for 2003 are presented. We hope you enjoy this report and give us your feedback to help our continuing improvement on environmental issues. You can reach us from the internet by sending your comment to us online or by mail.

Director-General of Civil Aviation
Mr. Albert K Y Lam, JP

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