CAD Environmental Report 2002

Executive Summary

Welcome to CAD's Environmental Report 2002.

Airport activities could generate significant aircraft noise pollution to households in the vicinity of airport and flight path. The primary stakeholders on noise issues are affected citizens, airlines and the Hong Kong International Airport while the secondary stakeholders are citizens depending on aviation activities, such as passengers or those employed by the aviation industry, and corporate engaging in business transactions with the aviation industry, such as the shippers or forwarders.

To resolve the conflicting interests among stakeholders, CAD as the civil aviation authority of Hong Kong is obliged to adopt a balanced approach on handling aircraft noise matters such that our community and aviation activities may co-exist in harmony.

Apart from contributing towards Hong Kong's environmental quality by mitigating the effects of aircraft noise, CAD also self-regulates its internal operations in the interest of the eco-system. In this respect, CAD has implemented green measures since the year of 1998 to promote recycling and minimize consumption of natural resources. We also have measures to ensure the chemical wastes and sea water for air conditioning would be disposed of and discharged in accordance with the environmental regulations.

It is CAD's vision that a proactive standpoint on environmental protection can help aviation business sustain its continuing development while Hong Kong citizens enjoy the benefits delivered by the aviation industry at acceptable social costs.

For such vision to become a reality, an Environmental Management sub-section of CAD has been established to handle aircraft noise complaints, monitor noise at locations in close proximity to flight paths and instigate mitigating measures. Also, an Environmental Management Committee comprising members from different divisions and offices has been formed to oversee the implementation of green measures on CAD's internal operations.

Since 1999, CAD has produced an Environmental Report annually to detail its efforts on environmental protection. Similar to past reports, this report reviews CAD's environmental performance in the year of 2002 and presents its targets to be achieved in the upcoming year.

Looking back on its performance last year, CAD has managed to complete and excel in almost all its environmental targets in the year of 2002, with the exception of the plan to install additional noise monitors in Tung Chung East and Sheung Wan. Such move reflects our support for the Government's drive for introducing flexibility in our resource allocation process in order to reduce recurrent expenditure. However, CAD will constantly review those targets to meet community's needs.

Concerning its environmental targets for 2003, CAD has made no substantial revisions except tightening up on paper and energy consumption in order to incorporate the latest yardsticks given by the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau for all government departments and bureaux to follow.

Feedback or comments on this report can be sent to CAD online or by mail.