Cultivating Safety Culture in SUA Sector
By Unmanned Aircraft Office (UAO) of Civil Aviation Department (CAD)
Introducing a Risk-based Regulatory Regime for Diversified SUA Operations
In recent years, the world witnessed rapid advancement in small unmanned aircraft (SUA) technologies and applications. Hong Kong also embraced high mobility and aerial accessibility of SUA in various applications, ranging from recreational/educational purposes to professional deployments, but the flourishing SUA operations have also presented challenges to our city.
To address safety needs in a densely populated cosmopolitan, CAD has implemented a forward-looking regulatory regime for SUA with the Small Unmanned Aircraft Order (SUA Order) which was fully commenced in December 2022. The SUA Order can accommodate a wide variety of SUA operations by adopting a risk-based regime based on operational risk level and weight of SUAs. The SUA Order also provides a clear and flexible framework that specifies circumstances that require CAD’s permission, and allows operators to deploy SUA for a broad range of purposes with due regards to safety.
More details of the regime can be found in CAD website.
Measures to Promulgate Safety Information and Facilitate Compliance
A phased-approach was adopted for the commencement of regulations, starting with those relating to endangering acts, restricted flying zones and enforcement upon commencement of SUA Order on 1 June 2022. CAD rolled out publicity work in phases to heighten public awareness and facilitative measures to enable the early adaption to the requirements.
For instance, in addition to engaging the unmanned aircraft organizations and manufacturers on safety promotion, CAD also produced three versions of videos and messages about the transitioning requirements and arranged broadcast on television and radio stations in phases. Interviews/promotional broadcast were also arranged on television programmes.
In parallel, CAD introduced new tools to facilitate compliance with new requirements. The new Electronic Portal for Small Unmanned Aircraft (eSUA) Portal developed for registration of SUA and remote pilots, promulgation of safety information including a drone map showing real-time restricted flying zones, etc. was rolled out in phases in Q2 2022. In addition, CAD’s website was updated. As of December 2023, the eSUA platform has processed over 33,000 SUA registration applications and around 25,000 remote pilot registration applications.
Cultivating Safety Culture among the Youth and Public
Besides conducting surveillance on SUA industry, CAD also recognises the importance of cultivating safety culture among the youth and the general public. SUA has become easily accessible and is popular among youth for STEM education; and among the public for recreational uses.
For youth, CAD has been making continuous effort in safety education through actively organising and participating in promotional activities targeting youth audience. For instance, seminars and workshops were held at events like HK SciFest and InnoCarnival. Collaboration with Junior Police Call (JPC) through setting up booth at JPC Open Day and visits to the CAD also allowed CAD to reach out to the younger generation, cultivating safety culture among the youth.

To enhance safety awareness by the general public, CAD actively organised promotional activities territory-wide to raise awareness about safe SUA operations. Since the commencement of SUA Order, new safety promotion initiatives were launched through various channels.
For example, online videos, social media posts, internet advertisements, posters and leaflets, etc. about the new regulatory regime were produced. CAD also met with various professional groups and held briefing sessions targeting the specific operational needs of different SUA sectors, public seminars, talks, innovation fairs etc.
Survey was also conducted to collect feedback from the SUA community, and large-scaled joint publicity events to reach out to our citizens and tourists were also conducted with Hong Kong Police Force and the Airport Authority Hong Kong.

These public and community engagement initiatives aimed to promote safe operations of SUA and foster a positive safety culture and safety accountability in SUA operations.
Looking Ahead
CAD commits to staying ahead of the international developments of SUA and keeping abreast of relevant regulatory and safety measures. We will also embrace new initiatives on SUA technology while securing aviation and public safety, so as to foster a safe and thriving environment for SUA operations in Hong Kong.