"Human Factors in CNS Workshop" – Human Factors Made Simple
By Miss Karen Chan, Acting Manager SMS, PCCW Solutions

We had a wonderful day attending the “Human Factors Workshop” organised by the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) on 12 April for technical staff of the Air Traffic Engineering Services Division (AESD) and CAD Maintenance Service Providers (MSP). We had fruitful dialogue on the topic. As CAD maintenance service provider, PCCW always endeavor to minimize our operational impact on the users. During the Workshop, we were briefed on the controllers’ perspectives on the threats and errors in their work. This provided us some interesting food for thoughts about our services to users. The Workshop had ample opportunities for group discussion which reinforced our understanding of the regulatory requirements on safety (including those of the ICAO and CAD) and enhanced our appreciation of our safety obligations and various safety matters. Case studies such as factors contributing to the Tenerife Airport disaster and genuine Technical Services Occurrence were shared at the Workshop and served as timely reminder of the importance of our attitude towards safety. ‘Don’t assume…’, ‘Check! Check! Check!’, these are simple yet vital ideas that should be borne in mind and shared among our colleagues as we are working in a safety-critical industry.