Air Services and Safety Management related

Form Number Subject
DCA 122 Application for Permission to Operate Non-Scheduled Services PDF (PDF: 784KB)
DCA 234 Voluntary Incident Reporting Form  PDF (PDF: 1169KB)
DCA 237 Wake Vortex Encounter Reporting Form for Pilots  PDF (PDF: 702KB)
Note: DCA122A and eDCA255 forms will not be in use from 1 June 2022. For details of the new regulatory regime of small unmanned aircraft, please refer to

Airport Standards related

Form Number Subject
DCA 122B Application for Permission to Operate Non-Scheduled Services for Hire or Reward - Paragliders PDF (PDF: 345KB)
- Application for Permission under Regulation 3(1)(a) of Schedule 16 to AN(HK)O 1995 for Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Aircraft PDF (PDF: 256KB)
- Application for Permission under Art. 43 of AN(HK)O 1995 for Carriage of Munitions of War (MUW) in Aircraft PDF (PDF: 277KB)
- Application for Approval of a Dangerous Goods Training Programme in Hong Kong under the Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air) (Safety) Regulations (i.e. Cap. 384A of the Laws of Hong Kong) PDF (PDF: 273KB)
- Application for Approval of a Dangerous Goods Training Programme in Hong Kong under Regulation 8(3) of Schedule 16 to Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (i.e. Cap. 448C of the Laws of Hong Kong) PDF (PDF: 281KB)
- Application for Temporary Exemption under the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance PDF (PDF: 1.2MB)

Supplementary Information Worksheet - Application for Temporary Exemption under the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance Excel (EXCEL: 14KB)
HKCAD-ARRA-E Application for Registration as Regulated Agent PDF (PDF: 2.7MB)
- Notification of Change of Regulated Agent Security Program PDF (PDF: 171KB)
- Notification of Voluntary Termination of Regulated Agent Status PDF (PDF: 89KB)
HKCAD ARRACSF-E Application for Registration as Regulated Air Cargo Screening Facility PDF (PDF: 1346KB)
- Notification of Change of Regulated Air Cargo Screening Facility Security Programme PDF (PDF: 632KB)
HKCAD ARKC-E Application for Registration as validated Known Consignor (KC) PDF (PDF: 541KB)

Air Traffic Management related

Form Number Subject
DCA 6a Flight Plan Form   PDF (PDF: 740KB)
DCA 6b CAD VFR Local Flight Notification Form   PDF (PDF: 1.07MB)
e-DCA 251 Application for Flying Captive Balloon (No persons on board)
e-DCA 252 Application for Flying Captive Balloon (With persons on board)
e-DCA 253 Notice of Mass Balloon Release
DCA 254 Aerial Photography or Aerial Survey over the Hong Kong Territories PDF (PDF: 771KB)
DCA 256 Application for Dropping of Parachutes or Other Articles PDF (PDF: 834KB)
DCA 257 Application for Low Flying  PDF (PDF: 811KB)
Application for Exemption from the Flight Restriction prescribed under Air Navigation (Flight Prohibition) Order Cap 448 sub. leg. E  PDF (PDF: 1621KB)
Form 1
Return for the Purposes of Section 2 of the Civil Aviation (Births, Deaths and Missing Persons) Ordinance  WORD (WORD: 18KB)
Form 2
Return for the Purposes of Section 2 of the Civil Aviation (Births, Deaths and Missing Persons) Ordinance  WORD (WORD: 18KB)
Declaration of Compliance for Flights Operated for Hire or Reward – Form A PDF (PDF: 1109KB)
Declaration of Compliance for Flights Not Operated for Hire or Reward – Form B PDF (PDF: 741KB)

Finance related

Form Number Subject
DCA 216 Air Passenger Departure Tax (APDT) Application For Refund  PDF (PDF: 1.15MB)
e-DCA 216 Online Application for Refund of Air Passenger Departure Tax (APDT)

Flight Standards and Airworthiness related

Form Number Subject
DCA 1 Authorised Release Certificate CAD Form One  PDF (PDF: 913KB) 
DCA 21J - 1 Recommendation for Design Reclassification Acceptance  PDF (PDF: 173KB)
DCA 28 Application for HKAR-147 Approval (Open with new window) PDF (PDF: 76KB)
DCA 35 HKAR-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence - Application for Grant or Extension of Licence  PDF (PDF: 758KB)
DCA 35A Application for Renewal of HKAR-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence  PDF (PDF: 698KB)
DCA 35B HKAR-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence - Record of Experience  PDF (PDF: 21.4KB)
DCA 35C Application for Transfer of HKAR-AMEL to HKAR-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence  PDF (PDF: 742KB)
DCA 35E HKAR-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence - Application for Written Examination  PDF (PDF: 3.90MB)
DCA 38 Application for Approval under Article 12(6)(a) of AN(HK)O 1995 for Course of Training and Instruction  PDF (PDF: 1.47MB)
DCA 46C Application for the Renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness PDF (PDF: 578KB)
DCA 46D Application for Certificate of Airworthiness  PDF (PDF: 813KB)
DCA 61 Application for Approval of an Organisation IAW the AN(HK)O and Section 1.8 of HKAR-1  PDF (PDF: 71KB)
DCA 61A Biographical Details of Senior Staff Nominated by an Organisation in respect of an Approval  PDF (PDF: 550KB)
DCA 80 Application for the Inclusion of Instrument Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence  PDF (PDF: 588KB)
DCA 99 Application for Registration of Aircraft  PDF (PDF: 222KB)
DCA 99A Notice of Change Details on a Hong Kong Registered Aircraft  PDF (PDF: 229KB)
DCA 99B Application for Deregistration of Aircraft  PDF (PDF: 3MB)
DCA 99B1 Declaration Form for Deregistration of Aircraft  PDF (PDF: 166KB)
DCA 153 Medical Report   PDF (PDF: 3.15MB)
DCA 153 (Oph) Ophthalmology Examination Report   PDF (PDF: 247KB)
DCA 190 Application for HKAR-145 Approval   PDF (PDF: 1.63MB)
DCA 192 Appointment or Nomination of Management Personnel   PDF (PDF: 2.61MB)
DCA 195 Approval for Flight Under "B Conditions" - Certificate of Clearance   PDF (PDF: 80KB)
DCA 201 Occurrence Report Form   PDF (PDF: 189KB)
DCA 235 Runway Incursion Reporting  PDF (PDF: 645KB)
DCA 236 Foreign Operator Aerodrome Operating Minima Proforma  PDF (PDF: 1216KB) 
DCA 270 AFI / FI Rating (Aeroplane) - Initial Issue / Renewal PDF (PDF: 986KB)
DCA 275 AFI / FI Rating (Helicopter) - Initial Issue / Renewal  PDF (PDF: 945KB)
DCA 300 Application for Noise Certificate  PDF (PDF: 929KB)
DCA 406 406 MHz ELT Registration Application Form  PDF (PDF: 1.07MB)
DCA 411 Application for Initial Approval / Change to Approval of Type Rating Training offered by a Training Organisation under CAD Document CAD 34 PDF (PDF: 734KB)
DCA 413 Key Personnel Nomination form for Training Organisation offering Type Rating Training under CAD Document CAD 34 (Open with new window) PDF (PDF: 335KB)
DCA 456 Application for Variation to Schedule of Approval in Respect of an Organisation Approved IAW the AN(HK)O and Section 1.8 of HKAR-1  PDF (PDF: 58KB)
DCA 527 PPL(A) Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) Flight Test  PDF (PDF: 530KB)
DCA 527 PPL(H) Private Pilot Licence (Helicopters) Flight Test  PDF (PDF: 2.79MB)
DCA 528 Airbus Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - Airbus  PDF (PDF: 349KB)
DCA 528 Airbus CCQ Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - Airbus CCQ PDF (PDF: 264KB)
DCA 528 Boeing Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - Boeing  PDF (PDF: 343KB)
DCA 528 Bombardier Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - Bombardier  PDF (PDF: 257KB)
DCA 528 DA42 Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - DA42  PDF (PDF: 213KB)
DCA 528 Gulfstream Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - Gulfstream  PDF (PDF: 256KB)
DCA 528 PA44 Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - PA44  PDF (PDF: 321KB)
DCA 528 Single-engine Aeroplane Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - Single-engine Aeroplane  PDF (PDF: 276KB)
DCA 528 Single-engine Helicopter Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - Single-engine Helicopter  PDF (PDF: 8.35MB)
DCA 528 Multi-engine Helicopter Application for the Inclusion of an Aircraft Rating in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence - Multi-engine Helicopter  PDF (PDF: 308KB)
DCA 528 Important Notes (Aeroplanes) Important Notes for the Completion of Form DCA 528 (Aeroplanes)  PDF (PDF: 792KB)
DCA 528 Important Notes (Helicopters) Important Notes for the Completion of Form DCA 528 (Helicopters)  PDF (PDF: 241KB)
DCA 529 Flight Test for Professional Licences: Notice of Failure  PDF (PDF: 127KB)
DCA 530 Application for ICAO Language Proficiency Endorsement in a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence  PDF (PDF: 218KB)
DCA 531 Application for Design Organisation Approval (DOA) PDF (PDF: 895KB)
DCA 532 Application for Hong Kong Parts Manufactuer Approval  PDF (PDF: 966KB)
DCA 533 Application for Production Organisation Approval (POA) PDF (PDF: 1.17MB)
DCA 534 Application for Approval of Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) PDF (PDF: 71.2KB)
DCA 535 Application for Approval of Major Repair Design PDF (PDF: 77KB)
DCA 536 Application For Approval of Minor Change / Minor Pepair Design PDF (PDF: 2.65MB)
DCA 537 Application for Significant Change or Variation of Scope and terms of part 21 Subpart G POA  PDF (PDF: 835KB)
DCA 538 Application for Significant Changes to Design Organisation Approval (DOA) PDF (PDF: 2.02MB)
DCA 539 Application for Validation of Supplemental Type Certificate (VSTC)  PDF (PDF: 998KB)
DCA 540 Application for Hong Kong Technical Standard Order Authorisations (HTSOA) PDF (PDF: 168KB)
DCA 543 Application for Validation of Type Certificate (VTC) PDF (PDF: 1556KB)
DCA 544 Application forOrganisation Designation Approval (ODA) PDF (PDF: 224KB)
DCA 550 CAD Publications Purchase Form PDF (PDF: 171KB)
DCA 552 Application for Renewal of Design Organisation Approval (DOA) PDF (PDF: 73.4KB)
DCA 553 Application for Renewal of Production Organisation Approval (POA) PDF (PDF: 70.7KB)
DCA 554 Application for Renewal of Hong Kong Parts Manufacturer Approval (HPMA) PDF (PDF: 67KB)
DCA 555 Application for Renewal of Organisation Designation Approval (ODA) PDF (PDF: 1058KB)
DCA 556 Recommendation for Certificate of Airworthiness Issuance  PDF (PDF: 339KB)
DCA 557 Application for significant changes or variation of terms of approval of HKAR-183 Subpart D ODA PDF (PDF: 70.6KB)
DCA 561 Training Course Assessment Form PDF (PDF: 128KB)
DCA 563 Application for ODA Unit Member / Associate Unit Member PDF (PDF: 971KB)
DCA 564 Application for Significant Changes or Variation of Scope and Terms of Part 21 Subpart K HPMA PDF (PDF: 55.7KB)
DCA 565 Application for HKAR-181 Approval PDF (PDF: 316KB)
DCA 566 Application for Variation of HKAR-181 Approval  PDF (PDF: 169KB)
DCA 567 Application for Renewal of HKAR-181 Approval  PDF (PDF: 172KB)
DCA 568 Recommendation for C of A Renewal  PDF (PDF: 302KB)
DCA 569 Certificate of Clearance for Low Risk Flights  PDF (PDF: 62KB)
DCA 570 Application for Permit to Fly PDF (PDF: 943KB)
DCA 571 Application for Variation of Airworthiness Requirements PDF (PDF: 4.77MB)
DCA 579 Application for Authorisation of Personnel (Airworthiness) PDF (PDF: 2.72MB)
DCA 581 Application for Export Certificate of Airworthiness  PDF (PDF: 274KB)
DCA 583 Application for Exemption under Article 7(1) of the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order (“AN(HK)O”) 1995 for Flying an Aircraft not Registered in Hong Kong and Without a Valid Certificate of Airworthiness ("C of A")   PDF (PDF: 1.19MB)
DCA 584 Application for Approval of a Maintenance Schedule (Initial Issue, Temporary Amendment or Amendment)   PDF (PDF: 415KB)
DCA 601(0) Examinations Booking Form for Professional Pilot's Licence PDF (PDF: 523KB)
DCA 601(4) Examinations Booking Form for Private Pilot's Licence  PDF (PDF: 403KB)
DCA 605 Application for Grant of / Conversion Assessment for Grant of a Hong Kong Pilot's Licence and/or a Radiotelephony Operator's Licence  PDF (PDF: 377KB)
DCA 606 Application for the Authority of Senior Authorised Examiner / Authorised Examiner and the Approval of Approved Person (Simulator)  PDF (PDF: 190KB)
DCA 607 ATPL/CPL/IR(A) Declaration of Flying Experience for Grant of a Hong Kong Professional Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) PDF (PDF: 408KB)
DCA 607 ATPL/CPL/IR(H) Declaration of Flying Experience for Grant of a Hong Kong Professional Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) PDF (PDF: 381KB)
DCA 607 Important Notes Important Notes for the Completion of From DCA 607 PDF (PDF: 219KB)
DCA 634 Application for Grant of Certificate of Validation of a Pilot's Licence PDF (PDF: 277KB)
DCA 634P/A Check-out Report for Validation of a Foreign Pilot's Licence (Aeroplanes) PDF (PDF: 285KB)
DCA 634P/H Check-out Report for Validation of a Foreign Pilot's Licence (Helicopters) PDF (PDF: 371KB)
DCA 4010
DCA 4020
DCA 4021
DCA 4040
DCA 4041
DCA 4042
DCA 4046
DCA 4047A
DCA 4047B
DCA 4047D
DCA 4047E
DCA 4047F
DCA 4047G
DCA 4047H
DCA 4047J
DCA 4048A
DCA 4049
DCA 4050


Form Number Subject
Application for Location Filming at the Civil Aviation Department (CAD)’s Premises  PDF (PDF: 256KB)