Control of Obstructions
Airport Height Restriction over an Area
The airport height restrictions vary at different locations of Hong Kong. These height limits can be obtained from the Airport Height Restriction Plans. The above plans can be purchased from the Map Publication Centres at 6/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong or 382 Nathan Road, Kowloon.
Exemption from Airport Height Restrictions
Temporary exemption from the airport height restrictions can be applied from the Director-General of Civil Aviation. This kind of temporary exemption will only be valid for a period of not more than 2 months and subject to terms and conditions. An extension for further periods of 2 months is possible if the Director-General of Civil Aviation thinks fit. If you need further information on temporary exemption from the airport height restrictions, please contact:
Airport Standards Division
Civil Aviation Department
5/F, Office Building
Civil Aviation Department Headquarters
1 Tung Fai Road
Hong Kong International Airport
Lantau, Hong Kong
Telephone no.: (852) 2910 6853 or 2910 6854
Fax no.: (852) 2795 8469
Application form
(PDF: 1.25MB)
Supplementary Information Worksheet - Application for Temporary Exemption under the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance
Guidance Note - Application for Temporary Exemption under the Hong Kong Airport (Control of Obstructions) Ordinance
(PDF: 206KB)
On the advice of the Director-General of Civil Aviation, the Secretary for Development may by order grant permanent exemption from the airport height restrictions subject to terms and conditions required for or related to the safety of aircraft. For details of this kind of application, please contact:
Development Bureau
18/F, West Wing
Central Government Offices
2 Tim Mei Avenue
Tamar, Hong Kong
Fax no. (852) 2845 3489