Screening Equipment
1. X-ray Screening Equipment
CAD's requirements on X-ray Screening Equipment are set out in the following documents:
- The document "Technical Requirements for X-ray Equipment" (RACSF applicants shall obtain this document from CAD by submitting an email request to, prior to completing the application form);
- Part II Section 10 of the RACSF Application Form; and
- Part A Section 2.5 of the Handling Procedures for RACSF, which requires an RACSF to maintain the x-ray images / recordings of screened cargoes, e.g. by using the image capturing / recording function of the x-ray screening equipment or any other acceptable means by CAD, for at least 31 days after screening is conducted.
RACSF applicants shall submit the documents as required under Part II Section 10.2 of the RACSF Application Form for CAD's assessment. For ETD, please also submit an alarm resolution procedure to handle positive ETD alarms for CAD's assessment. For ETD not using any radioactive substance, Irradiating Apparatus Licence from the Radiation Board Hong Kong may not be required.
2. Explosive trace detection (ETD) equipment (shall only be used as alternative screening methods for screening of air cargo which are difficult or cannot be screened by x-ray equipment, or as a secondary screening method)
CAD's requirements on ETD Equipment are set out in the following documents
- The document " Requirements for Security Screening Equipment/System" (RACSF applicants shall obtain this document from CAD by submitting an email request to, prior to completing the application form);
- Part II Section 10 of the RACSF Application Form; and
- Part A Section 2.5 of the Handling Procedures for RACSF, which requires an RACSF to maintain the analysis results of ETD, e.g. by using the storage functions of ETD analysis results or any other acceptable means by CAD, for at least 31 days after screening is conducted.
RACSF applicants shall submit the documents as required under Part II Section 10.2 of the RACSF Application Form for CAD's assessment. For ETD not using any radioactive substance, Irradiating Apparatus Licence from the Radiation Board Hong Kong may not be required.
Selection of Screening Equipment
General speaking, RACSF applicants may make reference to the lists of screening equipment which have been certified by aviation security authorities, such as the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) of the European Commission, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) of the USA, Department for Transport (DfT) of the UK and Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).
To further facilitate the trade in selecting suitable screening equipment, CAD herewith provides a list of the make and model of screening equipment, which were submitted by RACSF applicants and were accepted-in-principle by CAD, for reference by the trade. The updated list is as follows:
List of Screening Equipment
(PDF: 212KB)
Applicants’ attention is drawn to the following:
- The above list is for reference purpose only and should not be construed as an exhaustive list of equipment that RACSF applicants can choose from, nor will it waive the requirement for applicants to submit the documents as required under Part II Section 10.2 of the RACSF application form. Applicants should still follow the standard application processes (i.e. Route A / Route B) and submit the technical documents for assessment by CAD.
- Final acceptance of the screening equipment is still subject to a set of conditions specified in the RACSF scheme, including but not limited to the actual site conditions and security provisions, the satisfactory performance of individual screening equipment in Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and Site Acceptance Test (SAT), the obtainment of Irradiating Apparatus Licence from the Radiation Board of Hong Kong (if applicable), the submission of an updated Operations Manual, etc;
- When selecting screening equipment, applicants are reminded to check with respective aircraft operators (airlines) for specific requirements on the make and model or other technical aspects of the screening equipment, if any, of other jurisdictions / countries / aircraft operators to which the export cargo are tendered.