Enquiries and Complaints

If you have any enquiries, suggestions or complaints on our services, you may contact us through the following channels:

(1) by email to enquiry@cad.gov.hk or by mail to Director-General of Civil Aviation, Civil Aviation Department Headquarters, 1 Tung Fai Road, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong

(2) call our hotlines:

  Contact Information
Enquiry on general civil aviation matters Tel: (852) 2910 6352
Email: enquiry@cad.gov.hk
Accounting and financial matters Tel: (852) 2910 6231
Fax: (852) 2526 1634
Email: nkyleung@cad.gov.hk
Aeronautical Information Management Centre Tel: (852) 2910 6174
Fax: (852) 2910 1180
Airworthiness Office Tel: (852) 2910 6198
Fax: (852) 2362 4250
Air cargo regulated agents regime Tel: (852) 2910 6880
Aircraft maintenance engineer's licensing Tel: (852) 2910 6046
Fax: (852) 2329 8595
Email: aml@cad.gov.hk
Aircraft noise complaint Tel: (852) 2769 6969
Fax: (852) 2795 8469
Email: aircraftnoise@cad.gov.hk
Air passenger departure tax Email:
apdt@cad.gov.hk (general enquiries)
APDT_refund@cad.gov.hk (application for refund)
Airport height restriction Tel: (852) 2910 6853 / 2910 6854
Fax: (852) 2795 8469
Email: apsdsr2@cad.gov.hk
Balloon and parachuting activities Tel: (852) 2910 6489 / 2910 6882
Fax: (852) 2910 0186
Crew Member Certificate Office Tel: (852) 2910 6953
Fax: (852) 2362 4257
Dangerous Goods Office Tel: (852) 2910 6855 / 2910 6856 / 2910 6857
Fax: (852) 2795 8469
En-route navigation charges Email: encbilling@cad.gov.hk
Flight Standards Office Tel: (852) 2910 6191
Fax: (852) 2362 4250
Hong Kong Schedule Coordination Office (HKSCO) Tel: (852) 2910 6896 / 2910 6897
Fax: (852) 2910 6894
Outstations managed by the CAD* Tel: (852) 2910 6350
Email: outstations@cad.gov.hk
Personnel Licensing Office Tel: (852) 2910 6046
Fax: (852) 2329 8595
Email: plo@cad.gov.hk
Recruitment matters Tel: (852) 2910 6324
Unmanned Aircraft Office Tel: (852) 2910 6611
Email: sua@cad.gov.hk

* Note: Outstations are located at Victoria Peak, Mount Butler, Cape D'Aguilar, Tai Mo Shan, Sha Chau, Mount Parker, Beacon Hill, Tung Lung Island, Cheung Chau, Siu Mo To, Lung Kwu Chau, and North Lantau.

For our telephone directory, please visit Telephone Directory of the Government of the HKSAR.