Aeromedical Matters

The Civil Aviation Department (CAD) issues Medical Certificates to flight crew and air traffic controllers pursuant to the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 and in accordance with the standards and recommended practices promulgated by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

Applications for Medical Certificate can be made via CAD’s Personnel Licensing Information System (PLIS).

CAD Aeromedical Policies

  • Policies for Approved Medical Assessors (AMAs) and Approved Medical Examiners (AMEs)
  1. Guidance Notes for Approved Medical Examiners (AME) PDF file (PDF: 3.2MB)
  2. Policy for AMA and AME on Prevention of Bribery and Conflict of Interest PDF file (PDF: 284KB)
  3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest PDF file (PDF: 40KB)
  4. AMA Appointment/ Reappointment Guidelines PDF file (PDF: 52KB)
  5. AME Appointment/ Reappointment Guidelines PDF file (PDF: 71KB)

  • Policies on Psychoactive Substances
  1. CAD Medical Certification Policy on Problematic use of Psychoactive Substances (PPS) PDF file (PDF: 1591KB)
  2. FAQ for CAD AOD (Alcohol and Other Drugs) Policy PDF file (PDF: 133KB)
  3. Protocol for Certification or Recertification of Medical Certificate (MC) applicant or holder with Problematic Use of Psychoactive Substances (PPS) PDF file (PDF: 32KB)

AIC on Aeromedical Matters

  1. AIC 11/19 - Guidance to Flight Crew on Preventing In-Flight Incapacitation
  2. AIC 14/24 - Medical Certificates Issued under the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995
  3. AIC 15/24 - Notification of Unfitness by Flight Crew
  4. AIC 16/24 - Notification of Unfitness by Air Traffic Controllers
  5. AIC 17/24 - General Advice for Medical Certificate Holders

Health Promotion

  1. Health Tips for being a Pilot and Air Traffic Controller PDF file (PDF: 235KB)
  2. Medication and Operational Duties PDF file (PDF: 241KB)
  3. Obesity and Flying PDF file (PDF: 571KB)
  4. Refractive Surgery and Flying PDF file (PDF: 71.1KB)
  5. Gastroenteritis and Inflight incapacitation PDF file (PDF: 170KB)
  6. Post COVID-19 and fitness to fly PDF file (PDF: 192KB)
  7. Cannabidiol (CBD), urine testing and flying PDF file (PDF: 183KB)
  8. Cardiovascular Risk and Assessment PDF file (PDF: 299KB)
