Chapter 2 - About the Civil Aviation Department

Being the civil aviation authority in Hong Kong, CAD is committed to a safe and efficient air transport system. We strive to accomplish the following missions in a professional manner :-

Positioning Hong Kong as a leading centre of aviation
Maintaining a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic
Providing flight information service and alerting service within the Hong Kong Flight Information Region
Coordinating search and rescue operations in the event of aircraft emergencies and accidents
Setting and enforcing aerodrome safety and aviation security standards
Ensuring compliance of established airworthiness and flight operations standards by Hong Kong registered aircraft and locally based airlines
Ensuring Hong Kong approved aircraft maintenance organisations comply with international standards
Ensuring Hong Kong licensed flight crew and aircraft maintenance engineers meet international standards
Monitoring compliance by airlines with bi-lateral Air Services Agreements
Developing workable measures to minimise the impact of aircraft noise on local communities

Our Organisation

Organization Chart as at 31 December, 2006#

Note :

# There is no major change in organizational context since the last report.

* The Accident Investigation Division is mobilised only when required by drawing specially trained staff from other Divisions.

Our Staff

As the following chart shows, in 2006 the CAD employed 674 people in seven divisions, the largest of which was the Air Traffic Management Division(Figure 1).

Our Facilities

In 2006, we operated five offices to handle our wide-ranging workload(Figure 2).

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