We Care
We care because we want to provide citizens of Hong Kong with a better environment by minimizing aircraft noise exposure to populated area.
The growth of civil aviation has brought prosperity to our economy. For this growth to continue, the aircraft noise must be carefully controlled such that it would not turn into an unbearable nuisance. Otherwise, noise could become a restraining force on aviation's development and our aviation partners' businesses. Once the need for improvement is identified, we would instigate measures to maximize the compatibility between the growth of civil aviation and the quality of the environment.
We care because our Earth's natural resources are limited.
Conducting our daily businesses would consume paper and energy, and generate pollution. Like any other environmentally responsible organizations, we would apply measures to control our activities such that waste and pollution are minimized and that our Earth's natural resources could re-generate to cope with humanity's needs.
Our Vision
While CAD is committed to a safe and efficient air transport system, we also strive to improve the environmental quality for Hong Kong citizens.
To materialize our vision, we will act as stewards for aviation environmental protection at all time.
Noise Policy for Civil Aviation Activities
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Maintain dialogue with local communities and citizens affected by aircraft noise and handle complaints
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Monitor aircraft noise
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Consult stakeholders on the feasibility of noise mitigating measures
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Develop and implement measures to minimize the impact of aircraft noise on local communities
Green Policy for CAD
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Economize the use of energy and paper
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Apply the principles of sustainable development to our purchase of equipment and tender process, and in the planning and operation of our facilities
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Save, re-use and recycle if possible
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Comply with environmental regulations as a minimum standard of performance
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Promote staff awareness to ensure that environmental actions are included in the balance of all our decision-making
Implementation of Policy
CAD has two committees, which are the Aircraft Noise Technical Committee and Environmental Management Committee, to formulate and implement environmental measures.
Aircraft Noise Technical Committee for Managing Noise Issues
The Aircraft Noise Technical Committee was formed in 1999. Chaired by the Deputy Director-General of CAD, the Committee comprises members from the Environmental Protection Department and the Airport Authority Hong Kong. Together, we address aircraft noise issues arising from the operations of the Hong Kong International Airport and consider possible measures to minimize the impact of aircraft noise. To achieve our goal, we adopt a systematic Review-Plan-Implement-Check Cycle (Figure 3) in our decision-making process.
The Environmental Management Committee
Environmental Management Committee for Housekeeping
CAD established the Environmental Management Committee in 1999 to devise practical measures to implement our green policy (Figure 4).
At the end of the year, the Environmental Management Committee would determine CAD's green office targets for the coming year in respect of reducing energy and paper consumptions, preventing pollution and recycling recyclable wastes.
Throughout the year, green managers would continuously monitor their offices to ensure targets could be met by the year-end and make interim reports on their offices' performance to the Committee. If necessary, the Committee could implement corrective actions.
To foster an environment of eco-thinking, CAD would periodically brief our staff about our green measures.