In 2002, we were able to achieve the following targets:-
Targets on Aircraft Noise
- Facilitate airlines to achieve 90% of arriving aircraft land over water from the Southwest between midnight and 7:00 am.
- Facilitate airlines to achieve 95% of departing aircraft take off over water via West Lamma Channel between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am.
- Facilitate airlines' adoption of CDA procedure at the Hong Kong International Airport during night period
- Introduce the new ICAO noise abatement departure procedures
- Establish a programme to gradually phase out the operation of older and noisier aircraft at the Hong Kong International Airport
- Maintain contact with concerned District Councils, the media, other concerned parties and the general public
- Maintain an internet web site to facilitate public access to aircraft noise and flight path information
- Install an additional noise monitor in Tsing Yi
- Maintain the growth in electricity consumption at a level below the growth in air traffic movements
- Purchase equipment of high standard of energy efficiency
- Maintain the paper consumption at the level of 2001
- Encourage the use of e-mail for office communication
- Continue to implement the waste paper and laser printer cartridge recycling schemes
- Comply with environmental regulations with regard to the discharge of sea water for cooling system and the disposal of chemical waste