CAD Environmental Report 2002

Noise Monitoring

CAD has been monitoring noise in the vicinity of the flight paths with the aid of a computer based aircraft noise and flight track monitoring system (ANFTMS). At present, we have installed 16 fixed noise monitors (Figure 9) to collect noise data in real time.

Our ANFTMS would correlate radar information on flight tracks with noise data from noise monitors. That has allowed us to compile statistics on aircraft noise and investigate into aircraft noise complaints.

Targets for 2002 and 2003

We have planned to install one noise monitor each in Tsing Yi, Sheung Wan and Tung Chung East in 2002 to enhance our noise monitoring capabilities. In February of 2002, we managed to install a noise monitor in Tsing Yi.

However, for Sheung Wan and Tung Chung East, due to the Government's drive for reducing recurrent expenditure and the slow occupation rate of new residential buildings in Tung Chung East, we have decided not to install any noise monitor in these areas. We would revisit this target when the need arises.

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